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Adult Education (ABE)

South Suburban Adult Education's (SSABE) mission is to provide adults in the TriDistrict Area of Northern Dakota County with educational opportunities to acquire and improve their literacy skills necessary to become self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members, and citizens. All classes are FREE. Classes are offered during the day, evening, and online.

South Suburban Adult Education (ABE) Primary Course Descriptions

EL Levels - 6

Learners are placed in the appropriate class level according to their goals and skill levels. In each class, teachers offer students a variety of learning activities and experiences to enhance their literacy, writing, speaking, and listening skills based on life skills, civics, and work related content. 

EL On-line Conversation Class

Classes are leveled and meet twice a week. Students participate in large and small group conversations, work on their pronunciation, and gain confidence.

Citizenship Fall and spring

This free class helps non-native speakers prepare for the citizenship process. Areas include: developing English language skills, civic content knowledge, learning about the N-400 form, and the citizenship interview.


Adult learners are prepared for next steps based upon their goals when entering the program. Learners are tested to determine levels of readiness and are guided towards their goals which may include, but are not limited to, obtaining a GED credential, entering college and training programs, securing a job and career advancement. Learners work closely with their teacher to complete the necessary steps to achieve their goal. 

GED on-Line

For students needing flexible study schedule options, this online class allows student to use free digital course materials to prepare for any one of the four GED tests - language arts, mathematical reasoning, social students, and science. Individuals are first tested to determine levels of testing readiness and attend an initial in-person orientation to determine goals, materials and to create an individual learning plan. Students study remotely and connect regularly with a teacher via in-person office hours, appointments or virtual conferencing.

TEAS (Tests of essential academic skills) VI Preparation

We offer in-person and online class options to provide pre-nursing students, dually enrolled at Inver Hills Community College, with the skill-building opportunities necessary to master TEAS tests. Students have access to targeted learning materials to build skills in the areas of physiology, as well as testing strategies and practice.

IHCC Developmental Math Partnership

In collaboration with Inver Hills Community College (IHCC), we offer a pre-Algebra math course designed for students new to the college experience and/or needing additional support to master basic mathematical concepts. This class is co-taught by an Inver Hills instructor and an SSABE instructor. Our ABE instructor works closely with the IHCC instructor, and largely one-on-one with students to help students master the required concepts and skills. Students are tested at the start of the course to determine individual areas of strength and where additional support is needed. They are re-tested at the conclusion of the course to determine progress.

Volunteer at ABE

Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the lives of our students. Volunteers not only serve, but expand possibilities. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with both the Adult Education (ABE) program and the English Language Learning (EL) program. Days and times are very flexible.

To become a volunteer you must complete the Minnesota Literacy Council (MLC) course in ABE or EL. MLC phone number is (651) 645-2277 or online at Once you receive your certificate from MLC, you will need to fill out the following forms and return them to the ABE Office: